Church of Saint Spiridonas
Church of Saint Spiridonas
The temple of Saint Spyridona is one of the most important post byzantine monuments of the city of Corfu. Saint Spiridon accommodates the relic of the Saint.
This is the most famous church of the island.
Its form therefore is elongated and low ceiling as in the all churches of islands of Ionian. It looks more with the Christian temples of West despite the East, With impressive bell tower that leads to lame department for the bells. The temple of externally has simple form, internally becomes particularly imposing with a lot of heirlooms.
The Saint of Corfu Island, the thaumaturgy Saint, has saved many times the island of Faiakon with his marvels from the destruction and the hunger.
Saint Spyridon was born in a poor family at Cyprus, 270 A. D. Even if he was one simple and illiterate shepherd it distinguished for his faith in the God, the humbleness and his charity. From his marriage it acquired a girl. When his wife was dead, he turned itself absolutely in God and became clergyman. Saint Spyridonas did not distinguish from the poor persons. He was a good shepherd, he was wearing simply clothes while all of his existings, he continued to share them with the poor people.
When the pirates [Sarakinoi] stepped onto the island of Cyprus the faithful opened the grave of Saint Spyridonas, so that they transport his bones at Konstantinoupolis in order to save them from the hands of the faithless. With surprise however they realized that the relic of Saint was maintained intact while the grave had the smell of basil.
The holy relic was transported at Konstantinoupolis where it remained up to the 1456, then it was transferred at Corfu where it remains until today.